Time Zone
Select the timezone according to where is your clock located. The Time Zone parameter determines the time shift from the Greenwich Mean Time and also contains information about the daylight savings at the particular time zone.
Time Format
The clock can show time in either 12h or 24h format, select the one you are used to.
Daylight Savings
The clock can either switch automatically between summertime and wintertime (when set to Auto) or stay in summertime/wintertime when selecting manually on*/*off. The date of switching is set from the selected timezone.
Date Display
It is possible to show the actual date on the display of the clock. Select the Day only option to display only the number of the day – this way you can recognize the clock switched to date mode just by the peripheral vision. It is also possible to show a full date in DD.MM.YY or MM.DD.YY format. The date is displayed each minute for 4 seconds (between seconds 31-35).
Leading Zero
The leftmost nixie tube can be configured to turn off when showing digit 0. This way, instead of displaying 09:54, it will display 9:54 with the first tube being blanked. To do so, configure the Leading zero parameter to No.
Overview of the configuration parameters in the configuration website.