We have an Android application that allows our customers to fully control our clocks. Some Android phones disconnect from the clock during the connection process and reconnect back to the WiFi router. This makes the connection process almost impossible to make – if you encounter such behavior, please use either another Android phone or some other platform. This issue applies only to the connection process, once the clock is connected and online, it can be controlled from that phone normally.

To download the application, please follow this link:

Home screen

When you start the app, you are situated on a home screen. In portrait mode, there are three tabs on the bottom of the screen – Home, My Clock, and Help. The Home button brings you back to the home screen. My clock button moves you to clock settings and connection. The help button opens our web-based documentation. The home screen displays actual time using nixie tubes graphics.

Portrait mode

Landscape mode

My Clock

The second tab is called My Clock and it provides the main functionality of the app. It will get you through the connection process of the clock as well as the configuration of the clock.


The Help tab opens our web-based documentation on http://docs.daliborfarny.com.

Last modified: 4 January 2022